
Ninja LLC

Privacy Policy

interpretation and definitions are at bottom of page

We virtuously and willingly comply with all legal requirements subject to provisions of local, state, federal, and international law. (1. Legal)

Notwithstanding, We are here, first and foremost, to protect Your privacy and Personal Data to the best extent possible. (1.1 Privacy)

To offer You Our service We provide and maintain 2 Apps:

giddyup ninja iconGiddyup NinjaSM : App to display real time transportation offers.

giddyup drive iconGiddyup DriverSM : App to gather transportation(Driver's) information.

Data Collection and Storage(1.1.1) :

Permission(1.1.1(ii)) :

Our Apps retrieve Your personal data, after Your consent, by :

a. Selecting "tap to continue" on the first App view.

b. Selecting "Allow" on location permission request popup.

Data Collected(1.1.1(i)) :

Data Types We Collect(1.1.1.(i).a) :

I. latitude and longitude

II. cell phone number

III. name

IV. date and time

V. availability

VI. vehicle type

How We Collect Data(1.1.1.(i).b) :

- Location : Our Apps use Your devices location services. These services leverage Your devices GPS and/or wifi to triangulate your location.

- Your personal data : Is gathered by Our Apps displayed forms You fill out and submit.

Uses of Your Data(1.1.1.(i).c) :

- Location : Your latitude and longitude is used to calculate Your geohash. Your geohash is a single rectangle area on the globe You are in. From there We look up who is in your same area or close by areas. Note : Giddyup NinjaSM only uses user location, no other data.

- Cell phone number : passenger to driver connectivity purposes only.

- Name : is used for conveying to potential passengers and Our vetting mechanism.

- Date and Time : analytics.

- Availability : convey if providers are viewable on Giddyup NinjaSM App.

- Type of vehicle : is used to convey usability(ie: number of passengers).

- Email address : Feedback, if further correspondence is required.

All Service Providers We use provide equal protection(1.1.1.(i).d) :

We test and monitor Service Providers privacy policy systems to ensure Your data is not infringed upon, that Personal Data and Usage Data is equally secure and private.

Deletion and Retention of Your data(1.1.1.(i).e) :

We maintain your data on third party servers with the agreement they are to conform to Our privacy policy, maintain regular backups, and data backup redundancy. These secure servers are required and conform to this privacy policy.

You may delete your data by tapping the "account deletion" button found on the "not available" "available" view(top middle), then tapping the "delete account" button on next provided view.

Data Use and Sharing(1.1.2) :

- Data collected by Our Apps shared to third parties is solely to improve Our Apps(analytics).

- We do not share information collected about you, except for certain explicit circumstances in which disclosure is required by law.

- We will not sell Your data to third-party organizations.

- Your data is not used for any other purpose than these two Apps.

- Our ecosystem is strictly these two Apps working together for a common transportation advertising service and not outside into other areas of business.

- We do not use or leverage any other features or application from Your device.

Location Services(1.1.5) :

Our use of location services is for the purpose of the functionality of Our Apps. We do not provide location service for emergency services or autonomous control of any device/machine.

Our sole purpose of Our Apps is to relay real time transportation possibilities for the general public.

Privacy Statement Revisions :

This Privacy Statement was last revised on February 6, 2022. We may change this Privacy Statement at any time and for any reason. We encourage you to review this Privacy Statement each time you visit the web site.

If we make a significant change to our Privacy Statement, we will post a notice on the Homepage of our web site for a period of time after the change is made.

Contact Us :

You may contact Us at :

Interpretation and Definitions


The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:

means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.
means the software program provided by the Company downloaded by You on any electronic device, named Giddyup Ninja©.
(referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Giddyup Ninja LLC.
refers to United States.
"Personal Data"
is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.
refers to the Giddyup NinjaSM and/or Giddyup DriverSMApp.
"Service Provider"
means any natural or legal person who processes the data on behalf of the Company. It refers to third-party companies or individuals employed by the Company to facilitate the Service, to provide the Service on behalf of the Company, to perform services related to the Service or to assist the Company in analyzing how the Service is used.
"Usage Data"
refers to data collected automatically, either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of application session).
means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

  • Just Thinking